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Name: Dr. Victor Mageto
- Doctor of Philosophy in:Computer Science
- Master of:Computer Science
- Bachelor ofComputer Science
Research Interests
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Computer Vision
- Digital Image Processing
- Victor Mokaya, Mukesh KrGupta,Mukesh Bansal (). FINET:Facial Expression Recognition Based on Fusion Inherited Network”. IJFGCN, Vol 13,Issue 4, 2021(ISSN:2233-7857).
- Victor Mokaya Mageto, Mukesh Kumar Gupta (2020). Performance evaluation of MMI Dataset on sixmacro expressions using 2D-LDA and SVM kernels. Journal of critical reviews, Vol 7, Issue 19,(ISSN: 2394-5125)
- Victor Mokaya Mageto, Mukesh Kumar Gupta (2019). Performance Analysis of Roust 2D-PCA and 2D-LDA Feature Descriptors on SVM. 3. IJMTST, Vol 6,Issue 08,August 2020 (ISSN No.2455-3778).
- Victor Mokaya (2018). Future of Precision Agriculture in India Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. IJRASET, Vol 7, Issue VI,June 2019(ISSN No. 2321-9653).
- Victor Mageto, JG Okemwa (2019). Using CNN and HOG Classifier to Improve Facial Expression Recognition. IJMTE,Vol8, Issue XII,December 2018 (ISSN No: 2249-7455).
- V. Mokaya, HP Singh (2018). Facial expression Recognition and Analysis Techniques: A Survey.