
Name: Dr. Kennedy Ndenga Malanga


  • University of Paris 8 – PhD (Computer Science) – Specialization: Software Quality
  • University of Pune – MSc. (Computer Science)
  • Maseno University – B.Ed (Science) – Computer Science, Physics, and Education

External Links/Affiliations


Research Interests


  1. Ndenga, M. K., Ganchev, I., Mehat, J., Wabwoba, F., & Akdag, H. (2018). Performance and cost-effectiveness of change burst metrics in predicting software faults. Knowledge and Information Systems, 1-28.

  2. Rabah Mazouzi, Malanga Kennedy, Cyril De Runz, Herman Akdag, Consensual Based Classification As Emergent Decisions In A Complex System, Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), pp. 112 – 126. DOIi: 10.5455/jjcit.71-1638972901.

  3. Ndenga M. K, Shikali, C. (2021). Analysis of Developer's Network and Change Burst Metrics as Predictors of Software Faults. Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology for Development Vol. 5.DOI: 10.33803/JASETD.2021.1-1.1

  4. Karari Kinyanjui, E., Ndenga, M., & Nyongesa, H. O. (2021). Hybridization of DBN with SVM and its Impact on Performance in Multi-Document Summarization. Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.8, No.2/3, DOI:10.5121/mlaij.2021.8304.

Conference Publications

  1. Malanga K. N., Mehat J., Ganchev I. & Wabwoba F. (2016). Predicting Faults in Open Source Software: Trends and Challenges. In Crowston, K., Hammouda, I., Lindman, J., Lundell, B., and  Robles, G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium at the 12th International Conference on Open Source Systems, Skövde University Studies in Informatics 2016:1, pp.55 – 73 ISSN 1653-2325, ISBN: 978-91-978513-9-8, University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden.
  2. Ndenga, M. K., Jean, M., Ganchev, I., & Franklin, W. (2015). Assessing quality of open source software based on communitymetrics. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 9 (12), 337–348.
  3. Malanga, K. N., Mehat, J., Ganchev, I., Wandeto, J., & Shivachi, C. (2015, February). Evaluation of Open Source Software with QualiPSO OMM: a case for Bungeni and AT4AM for All. In Free and Open Source Software Conference FOSSC–15 (pp. 41–46).